The word motivation is itself derive from the word "motive" which means the general desire or willingness of someone to do something. If you're a person who always thinks about doing a certain task but ends up doing nothing, then you may have a lack of motivation or inspiration. Motivation is a psychological feature that empowers a human or provides energy to act towards a desired goal, and this small word can make a huge impact on a person's life.
If we talk about the
hospitality industry, you may have heard from professionals that there is a person who is a prominent part of their journey to start a restaurant. The Hotel industry over the years has witnessed tremendous growth and that is why it is said to be one of the world’s fastest-growing divisions of industry in the world. Travel and tourism have guaranteed that this industry stays above the water even in the tough financial circumstances but hearing someone else's advice to run a hotel smoothly can be highly valuable.
Following strong or motivated ideas, plans and solutions from the people that designed or executed them, in very different fields, gives you different views that you can apply within your own knowledge or experience, in your own projects. It helps you make connections, and that’s basically what creativity is
TED Conferences LLC is a media organization that posts talks online for free distribution under the slogan "ideas worth spreading."
TED was founded in February 1984 as a conference which has been held annually since 1990.
In this article, you'll be getting a list of the famous
TEDTalks that gives you ideas about running profitable and sustainable restaurants, make sure to listen to these any time when you need a little inspiration.
Arthur Potts Dawson; a Vision for Sustainable Restaurants
Arthur Potts Dawson, born in the London Borough of Camden started cooking in 1988. He is working hard to change the
hospitality industry with the goal of becoming the world's first green chef.
"Dawson wants us to take responsibility not just for the food we eat, but how we shop for and even dispose of it. And he's showing the way — with impeccable taste."
Andrea Reusing: Resetting the Table
Andrea Reusing, born in 1968, Washington DC is a chef at Lantern, the restaurant has been named as one of "America's Top 50 Restaurants" and "best farm-to-table restaurants" by Gourmet Magazine, as one of "America's 50 Most Amazing Wine Experiences" by Food & Wine and as "Restaurant of the Year" in 2009 by The News & Observer.
Reusing speaks up for the food community by giving importance to the people who harvest the food that we eat. She was also named one of "15 Green Chefs" on Grist's international list.
Mark Bittman: What's Wrong with What We Eat
Mark Bittman, an American food journalist, author, and former columnist for The New York Times shares his inspirational thoughts at
TED by saying that
"if every American went one day without eating meat, the benefits would be immense - not only for our waistlines but for our planets." Currently, he is a fellow at the Union of Concerned Scientists.
If you think your ideas can change the landscape of the
hospitality industry then hurry up and find your local
TED Event Listing to share your innovative ideas with the community.
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